With Christmas just around the corner, we wish all our patients a happy and safe festive season. Everyone is excited for the Christmas festivities and geared up for the festivities to get underway. It's a thoroughly enjoyable time of year, but spare a thought for your teeth.
Constant snacking, drinking and eating of sugary foods and drinks over Christmas can make the holiday period a miserable time for teeth. Teeth are under attack for up to one hour after eating or drinking, and if you think about how much is consumed, and how often, particularly over Christmas and Boxing Day, your teeth don't really get the chance to recover.
To help keep your smile bright and healthy during the busy and party-filled season, here are top holiday dental tips to see you (and your teeth) safely through the season.
1. Be cautious of sugary foods.
Mince pies, Christmas cake and Christmas pudding may satisfy millions of people after a traditional Christmas dinner, but one thing they do not satisfy is your teeth. They are high in sugar and stick to teeth, which contribute to rapid tooth decay and eroding of the tooth enamel.
2. Stick to the Routine
Most people tend to ditch their oral health routine in favour of parties and feasts. In fact, you need to be more diligent about your brushing and flossing during this time.
Brushing your teeth before bed is essential. However, brushing your teeth after eating something acidic is not advised. The acid weakens the enamel and if you brush, the abrasive action of the brush and toothbrush will remove this weakened layer of enamel. Instead, you should wait one hour before you brush. In the meantime, rinsing your mouth out with water can help clear the acid from your mouth.
3.Say cheese!
Cheese is an important component of every Christmas feast and great for teeth. It is rich in Calcium that promotes healthy teeth and also helps to maintain the pH balance in your mouth.
4. Dip into veggies and take more turkey
At holiday events, skip the trays of Christmas cookies and brownies and instead fill your plate with veggies. Make the most of it and indulge in huge portions of it.
Another Christmas food that everyone looks forward to, and is good for the teeth, is turkey. It’s a great source of phosphorus and protein. This combines with Vitamin D and Calcium to form strong bones and teeth.
5.Don’t use your teeth as a tool
The holidays come with packages to open, tape to apply to presents or a bottle of beer you may be tempted to open or cut with your teeth. Don’t do it! Using your teeth as a tool can cause chips and breaks.
6. Moderation
Eat everything in moderation. In order to ensure you fully enjoy this time of year without having to compromise on what you eat and drink, bear in mind it is not how much sugary food and drink you have, it is how often you have them that causes a perilous situation for oral health. It's ok to say no to that extra sweet as the tin comes round, or have a glass of milk instead of one last glass of fizz.
Our entire team hopes you have a safe, happy and healthy festive season and we can’t wait to see your bright smile in the coming New Year.